We are looking to collaborate with a ML group (industry or academia) who wants to review and refine their data practices for improved documentation. Please see full post for details.
Our lab is hosting an online open workshop session on Computing and AI Through the Lens of Degrowth on March 21, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please see full post for details.
Christoph was recently appointed as one of the new Fellows to the SDGs Scholars Academy, see full post for details.
Our paper, 'Near Data' and 'Far Data' for Urban Sustainability: How Do Community Advocates Envision Data Intermediaries?, has been accepted to CSCW this year. See full post for the links to the paper.
Insolvent receives the Choice "Outstanding Academic Title" Award, see full post for details.
For a project on the environmental impact of AI, we are seeking up to three RA positions immediately for the winter term.
Our paper, The State of Data Curation at NeurIPS: An Assessment of Dataset Development Practices in the Datasets and Benchmarks Track, has been accepted in the NeurIPS Datasets & Benchmarks track. See full post for the links to the paper and recorded talk.
Our lab, the Just Sustainability Design Lab is hosting an online open workshop session on Responsible Data Curation and Reuse in the Age of AI on November 25, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Please see full post for details.
The Faculty of Information at UofT offers fully funded PhD student positions to study with me - Come join the Just Sustainability Design Lab! See full post for details.
Our lab, the Just Sustainability Design Lab is hosting an online open workshop session on Sustainable Neighborhoods, Sustainable Cities on October 21, 2024, from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM. Please see full post for details.
Insolvent was reviewed in the Journal of Responsible Technology, see full post for details.
Christoph gave a talk about how to decouple AI innovation from expansion in a world after growth, see full post for details.
We are welcoming a new visiting student - Syed Ashfaq Hussain!
Congratulations to Eshta Bhardwaj for a successful Qualifying Exam!
Congratulations to Han Qiao for a successful Qualifying Exam!
Our paper, Limits at a Distance: Design Directions to Address Psychological Distance in Policy Decisions, has been accepted at the Tenth Computing Within Limits Workshop. See full post for the links to the paper and recorded talk.
Our paper, Machine Learning Data Practices through a Data Curation Lens: An Evaluation Framework, has been accepted at the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT 2024). See full post for the links to the paper and recorded talk.
My book ‘INSOLVENT: How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability’ is a finalist in the PROSE Awards in the Engineering and Technology category
! If you missed it, it’s still open access. You can find more information about the book here.We are welcoming two new lab members - Monica Iqbal and Matt O'Reilly!
For an evaluation of data curation in machine learning, conducted by Eshta Bhardwaj, Christoph Becker, and Tegan Rajkumar-Maharaj, we are seeking up to four RA positions immediately, for the coming months.
We are excited to share the first look at Curbcut Toronto through a short workshop showcasing its map-based spatial and analytical features. See full post for the link to the recorded talk.
Our paper, Pathways to urban sustainability: Design perspectives on a data curation and visualization platform, has been accepted at the Ninth Computing Within Limits Workshop (LIMITS 2023). See full post for the link to the paper.